Have you ever been pushed to your limits? Leica Camera Singapore presents "Challenge The Limits" local campaign that embraces diversity, arts and culture. 6 local renowned photographers, 6 unique styles. How will they fare when they step out of their comfort zone?
In a first-ever campaign that sees six local renowned photographers coming together to take on a completely different genre of photography, “Challenge The Limits’’ is all about the perseverance and grit of the photographers as they challenge themselves out of their comfort zone. It is also a portrayal of the belief of the human spirit and how far one can potentially go.
Comfort can equally be assuring and yet it can also trap people in the same perspective. For this campaign, the photographers train their seasoned lenses onto unfamiliar territory as they embrace each other’s area of expertise; true to their artists’ spirit of adventure and boldness.

Left to right: Adele Chan, Aik Beng Chia, Munster Cheong, Leslie Heng, Jeryl Tan, Hosanna Swee
Senior Marketing Manager for Leica Camera Asia, Yvonne Perpetua Ng says, “Leica is all about storytelling and a strong narrative on thought provoking subjects as with the brand’s ethos. In this campaign, we have wanted to do something that is radically different and yet celebrates the diversity and culture of photography and also demonstrates the versatility of Leica camera. Hence, this idea is born where Leica not only pays tribute to local photographers to give them a platform to showcase but also to transcend their own boundaries of their usual work. The excitement and anticipation of the 6 photographers taking on this challenge was palpable right from the start.”
Leica Galerie
The 6 photographers are synonymous in the industry for their respective genres and the contrasting styles they will be taking on:

As part of showcasing their works, the 6 photographers will have their masterpieces exhibited at the Leica Galerie at Raffles Hotel Singapore as they complete their challenge mission in their respective campaigns during the said period.
The First Challenge

The first pair of photographers are Munster Cheong and Leslie Heng whose works are now exhibited. Titled “The Soul Needs More Space Than The Body” where the exhibition evinces two dedicated months of learning about each other’s practices and nuances through the camera and how they are now able to see from a new perspective through their works.
Munster (@Munsterphotography) whose medium will be on high definition video projection on archival print showcases the time lapse of the body through dawn to dusk and raises the question and meaning of our bodies as vessels to provide the setting of our experiences.

As Munster says, “I challenge myself by attempting a genre in an unfamiliar territory - documenting spaces. Approaching this with an introspective viewpoint, my work undergoes experimentation and self-reflection, which is diametrically opposing to my commercial practice. Through this process, I begin to question the notion, “what is a photograph?” as I explore alternative perspectives to the art of image making with the Leica SL2-S.
Leslie Heng @blackmobil, on the other hand, showcases eight individuals whom he highly admires, as he gets pasts his own inhibitions of doing portraits in photography. The photographs are all paired with voice recordings of autobiographical interviews with each person; each story unique just like our own.

He shares, “For someone who doesn’t photograph people much, coming into this campaign definitely brought me to unchartered waters. But just like my love for exploration, this challenge in itself was pushing my own boundaries of shooting portraits. And I am more than thrilled to take on this challenge.”
Watch out for the rest of the other 2 pairs of photographers and their works next. The next two will be Hosanna Swee and Chia Aik Beng.
The Collective Showcase
All 6 exhibits will also be exhibited at a heritage site that will soon be unveiled nearer to date in the early part of January 2022 in conjunction with the Singapore Art Week.
Leica Camera – A Partner for Photography
Leica Camera AG is an international, premium manufacturer of cameras and sports optics. The legendary reputation of the Leica brand is based on a long tradition of excellent quality, German craftsmanship and German industrial design, combined with innovative technologies. An integral part of the brand's culture is the diversity of activities the company undertakes for the advancement of photography. In addition to the Leica Galleries and Leica Akademies spread around the world, there are the Leica Hall of Fame Award and, in particular, the Leica Oskar Barnack Award (LOBA), which is considered one of the most innovative sponsorship awards existing today. Furthermore, Leica Camera AG, with its headquarters in Wetzlar, Hesse, and a second production site in Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal, has a worldwide network of its own national organisations and Leica Retail Stores.
View their works now at Leica Galerie at Raffles Hotel Singapore. Book your appointment here.
328 North Bridge Road
Singapore 188719
T: +65-6336 9555
E: raffles@leica-store.sg
Store Opening Hours:
10am - 8pm